And Life 2 Go

"If you would not be forgotten as soon as you are dead, either write things worth reading or do things worth writing" - Benjamin Franklin

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

My 'hood

... I think we moved into the wrong neighborhood.

Now don't get me wrong... I love my house. But just the people that live around us... I definately will never bond with them.

I grew up in a very middle class neighborhood. A nice mixture of "blue collar" and "white collar" folks. If you had a car up on blocks in your driveway, big deal. If you had your boat parked on the side on your house on your lawn, no big deal. You could throw a bonfire whenever you wanted, drink beer on your front stoop, and even play some loud music without many complaints. The block I grew up on, we knew almost every neighbor on the street.

Not here.

A week or two ago, a friend of mine mentioned that she knew someone who lived in my subdivision. She said, "She drives a black Lexus SUV". My wife and I, at the exact same time, said "That doesn't narrow it down much."

There is a lawn competition going on here. Who can keep theirs the greenest? They religiously water their lawn, every morning and evening, during their allowed time slots. I haven't watered my lawn once. It shows, and I don't give a crap. I've only had to mow once this summer, and I consider that a bonus, not a stupid green lawn.

I once ventured out to a block party, where I started to talk about some current music and my opposition to the Iraq war. They looked at me like a deer in headlights, then proceeded to talk about how great their new BMW is, praised George W. as a genius, and which mutual funds they currently like. I left immediately.

We're definately one of the "rotten apples" in the neighborhood. I play my music loud, I swear alot, I don't goto church, I don't care if my lawn is bright green, and I like to discuss and think about things other than money.

I'm not sure how much longer I can live here, which sucks because we've done alot of work to this house. I'm thinking I may try and see how far I can push my close-minded neighbors. Maybe I'll have a gay party? An anti-war rally? Or blast some Marilyn Manson out my windows as they all come home in their Sunday best.

I may even drink some PBR on my front doorstep.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I live in an average neighborhood, as you mentioned living in growing up. Everyone prides themselves in not being the most ghetto on the block, and we all know which one is. I wouldn't be too proud if you are clearly the worst looking one, and I pity your neighbors who have to live next to you.

I am not saying you should become like the snobs in your neighborhood, but I wouldn't aspire to be the most ghetto, either.

And, have a pbr for me.

6:20 PM  
Blogger = k a r l = said...

..don't get me wrong. I'm not gonna let my surrounding yard turn into a barren desert or a weed haven. I'm just letting nature water my lawn, not a sprinkler.

And there's no need to pity my neighbors, except for the lack of expanding their minds.

6:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I totally blame their mentality on the area in which you live. Time to move closer to the city where you won't be the "weird" ones. ;)

Out of wild curiousity, what area did you grow up in?

12:28 AM  

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