Book your trip soon, folks
If you want to see coral within the next few years, get to the Carribean fast.
Carribean Coral Suffers Record Death
I don't know what else to say, except that global warming is happening. The majority of people who deny it do so because it means their precious Repubilican party and George Bush may look bad.
Look folks, at least for this issue, let's just toss the partisanship aside. Who gives a rats ass as to who caused it; let's just fix it before it's too late. Let's have good ol' George sign the Kyoto agreement that he rejected. Let's have big business be more responsible for the pollution they spew into the air. It's just not enough for the Hollywood elite to drive Prius's.
The artic poles are melting, the sea is rising, the weather is becoming more turbulent, and the grass in my yard is completely dead from the Chicago drought last year.
OK, the last effect isn't that important. But the first three should scare the crap out of you.
Yes, we as individuals can do certain things to help out. Ditch the SUV's, buy energy efficient appliances, etc... but we really can't do much to the huge corporations who are causing the majority of the pollution.
The time for the government to act is now. Or, are we going to wait, as usual, until it's really too late?