Chicago's first snow...
...and this happens. Damn.

Incase you haven't heard, a plane slipped off of Midway Airport's runway last night onto busy intersection. While the passengers were fine, unfortunately the cars it ran over weren't. A young boy died who was in one of the cars.
I was actually enjoying my ride home last night. I ended up working late, so I missed most of the rush hour traffic. The 4x4 Jeep Wrangler I have doesn't hurt, either. I love it when it snows around here. I say if it's going to be below 32 degrees, might as well have some snow and brighten the place up a bit.
So I was listening to a talk radio show, whose host was telling listeners to call in and talk about their traffic nightmares due to the snow. Most were calling in just to complain how long they've been stuck on the highway, etc. But then one caller called in and said, "Uh yea, I'm at Central and 55th street intersection, and a plane just went through a red light."
At first the host thought it was a joke, but as the listener described the situation you could tell he couldn't make something like this up. In addition, this person had called the radio station as it happened, so no news sources had even known it happened yet. Not even the police or firefighters had gotten there yet. It was pretty weird knowing what had happened before anyone else did.
I've flown Southwest out of Midway several times, and I am always amazed how the planes can land in such a small area. If you can see Midway Airport as you're approaching, you can't help but think to yourself, we're going to land there?
Anyways, besides that crazy and sad story, I did enjoy our first snowfall. Even though I have a snowblower, I opted to use the shovel last night to clear the driveway. With our outdoor white Christmas lights lit, the clean crisp air, and the blanket of snow absorbing all the sounds, it was quite relaxing. The hot chocolate with Bailey's afterwards helped cap off the first snowfall.
Here's hoping to many more! (without anymore plane accidents, please).
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