I saw in the news yesterday that George "Dubyewah" Bush pardoned two turkeys from death, and they are spending their Thanksgiving at Disneyland. What the hell is that? Did it make good ol' George feel good to save those 2 turkeys, then hop on his plane back to Texas to eat one? What a chump.
I got tickets to Coldplay. They are playing the United Center in March. I am pretty excited. I actually got decent seats this time, on the 100-level. Wow!
I seriously wish I would have saved all my concert ticket stubs. This Coldplay concert will easily be somewhere in the range of my 120th concert I've been to. Wish I had the ticket stubs to prove it to those who doubt this claim.
Work is dead today. I think at least half the people here took a vacation day. Usually we can leave early today, but my manager scheduled a meeting from 3 to 4, and then went and took a vacation day today herself. Can you believe that shiznit?! Guess who's ditching the meeting? Moi.
Tomorrow we're having a load of people come over, at least by our standards. We are entertaining 13 folks for Thanksgiving. After taking a quick inventory, my wife and I realized we only have 8 sets of plates and silverware. Ooops. Never fear, the in-laws are here! Not only are they bringing some food, but now some plates and silverware as well. My wife is all worried because now the place settings won't match. This coming from someone who at first suggested serving the food on paper plates.
We had our first snowfall today. Only a dusting, really. But it does look kinda nice. Hey, I'm all in the frame of mind, if it's gonna be cold, might as well snow. At least it brightens up the place.
I'm going to do some extra cardio today at the ol' fitness center, convincing myself that doing so allows me to extra-engorge on the food tomorrow. Somehow though I don't think burning an extra 300 calories today will make up the difference of the 7500 I'll consume tomorrow. Not to mention the leftovers throughout the weekend.
The company I work for (hint: 3rd largest retailer in the world) is making us work at the stores this holiday. (I am at the headquarters, so this is a new thing for me). So while most of you have Friday off, I'll be at St. Charlestown mall, doing who knows what. Don't give me any shit if you see me there. No, I don't know what the difference is between those two drills, and no, I can't tell you where the tighty whities are.
And on that note, hope you all have a fantabulous Thanksgiving. And here's something you may have not known: The fleshy growth from the base of the beak, which is very long on male turkeys and hangs down over the beak, is called the snood.
So now you know what a snood is. And I'm guessing you probably shouldn't eat it.